Outdoor Sports garment Manufacturer Outdoor Clothing News How to properly maintain men’s shirts (tips to extend their service life)

How to properly maintain men’s shirts (tips to extend their service life)

Proper care can extend the life of a men’s shirt while maintaining its good appearance and texture. Here are some tips to help you properly care for your men’s shirts: …

Proper care can extend the life of a men’s shirt while maintaining its good appearance and texture. Here are some tips to help you properly care for your men’s shirts:

1. Wash on gentle cycle: Turn the shirt inside out and hand wash in warm water or choose gentle cycle on low speed Mode washing machine laundry. Avoid using hot water or strong friction to prevent shrinkage, fading, or damage to fabric fibers.

2. Classified washing: Classified washing according to color and fabric material. Light and dark shirts should be washed separately to prevent staining. In addition, shirts made of different materials, such as cotton and silk, also need to be washed separately to avoid deformation or damage to the fabric.

3. Use the right detergent: Choosing a detergent specifically for shirts will ensure a thorough cleaning of the shirt while protecting the fabric fibers. Avoid using detergents containing bleach or strong acidic and alkaline ingredients to avoid damage to the shirt.

4. Pay attention to collars and cuffs: these areas are easily contaminated by stains and oil. Before washing, the collar and cuffs can be treated with bleach or stain remover, and then washed overall.

5. Avoid sun exposure: Shirts should be kept away from prolonged exposure to the sun. Sunlight can fade and yellow fabrics. It is recommended to store the shirt away from light or dry it in a cool and ventilated place.

6. Dry properly: Gently pat the shirt with a soft towel to remove excess moisture. Then lay flat to dry, avoid hanging directly to prevent the fabric from deforming.

7. Note before ironing: Before ironing, make sure the shirt is completely dry and adjust the iron to the appropriate temperature. Avoid ironing at too high a temperature or for too long to avoid burning the fabric.

8. Pay attention to storage: fold the shirt neatly and avoid folding it for a long time. If conditions permit, use specialized hangers to hang shirts to maintain their original shape and lines.

9. Regular inspection: Regularly check the buttons, stitching and other parts of the shirt and repair them in time to prevent further damage.

10. Follow cleaning instructions: Follow the cleaning instructions according to the care label on the shirt. Different brands and materials of shirts may have different cleaning recommendations. Following these recommendations can better maintain your shirts.

In summary, correct maintenance methods can extend the service life of men’s shirts and maintain their appearance and texture. Regular gentle washing, washing in separate categories, using the right detergent, paying attention to collars and cuffs, staying out of the sun, drying properly, taking care before ironing, taking care of things, checking them regularly, and following cleaning instructions can all help. Take better care of your men’s shirts.

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Author: clsrich
