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Conversion formula between textile yarn fineness indicators

Yarn fineness is an indicator used to measure the thickness of yarn. There are two calculation formulas commonly used in textiles: Fixed length calculation formula and fixed weight…

Yarn fineness is an indicator used to measure the thickness of yarn. There are two calculation formulas commonly used in textiles: Fixed length calculation formula and fixed weight calculation formula.

Custom-length calculation formula

1.Tex number – also known as “number”, refers to the number of grams of weight of 1000 meters long yarn under the public moisture regain rate. It is a fixed-length unit. The larger the weight, the thicker the yarn.

2.Denier (D) – also known as “denier” or (denier: denier), refers to the number of grams of weight of 9000 meters of yarn or fiber under a public moisture regain rate. It is also a fixed The unit of length, the larger the gram weight, the thicker the yarn or fiber. It is often used to represent chemical fiber filaments, silk, etc.

3.Dtex – referred to as decitex, the symbol is tex, refers to the number of decigrams of the weight of a 1000-meter-long yarn at a common moisture regain, dtex=dg/L*1000, where dg is weight of yarn (or silk) in decigrams,L is the length of yarn (or silk) (meters). It is a fixed-length unit. The larger the weight, the thicker the yarn. It is often used to represent fiber yarn.

Customized weight calculation formula

1.English count (Ne) – under the public moisture regain, the multiple of 840 yards of the length of 1 pound of yarn, that is to say, 1 pound of yarn is exactly 840 yards long, which is 1 yarn, 1 pound The length of the heavy yarn is 21 x 840 yards long, and the fineness of the yarn is 21 counts, written as 21s. The imperial count is a fixed weight system, so the larger the count, the thinner the yarn. The British count is not the legal yarn fineness index in my country today, but it is still widely used in enterprises, especially in the cotton textile industry.

2.Metric count (Nm) – under the public moisture regain, the multiple of meters of the length of 1 gram weight yarn, that is to say, 1 gram weight yarn is exactly 1 meter long, which is 1 (metric) count yarn, 1 The weight of the yarn is 200 meters long, and the yarn’s fineness is 200. The metric count is also a fixed weight, so the larger the count, the finer the yarn.

Unit conversion formula for fixed-length and fixed-weight systems

Conversion formula between metric count (Nm) and denier (D): D=9000/Nm

Conversion formula between imperial count (S) and denier (D): D=5315/S

dtex and The conversion formula of tex (tex): 1tex=10dtex

Conversion formula between Tex and Denier (D): Tex=D/9

Conversion formula between Tex (Tex) and imperial count (S): Tex=K/S

K value: pure cotton yarn K=583.1; pureChemical fiber K=590.5; polyester-cotton yarn K=587.6; cotton viscose yarn (75:25) K=584.8; fiber cotton yarn (50:50) K=587.0

Conversion formula between Tex (Tex) and metric number (N): Tex=1000/N

dtex and Denier (D) conversion formula: dtex=10D/9

Conversion formula between decitex (dtex) and inch count (S): dtex=10K/S

K value: pure cotton yarn K=583.1; purified fiber K=590.5; polyester-cotton yarn K=587.6; cotton viscose yarn (75:25) K=584.8; fiber cotton yarn (50:50) K=587.0

The conversion formula between decitex (dtex) and metric number (N): dtex=10000/N

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Extended reading: https://www.brandfabric.net/polyester-dobby-3-laminated-fabric/
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Author: clsrich
